Що означає високочастотний імпульсний випрямляч
Що означає високочастотний імпульсний випрямляч

Високочастотні імпульсні випрямлячі є основними компонентами сучасних систем живлення зв'язку. Робоча частота цього комутаційного випрямляча, як правило, становить 30 до 60 кГц (IGBT), and the MOSFET power conversion tube can reach several hundred kilohertz. тому, it has the characteristics of high efficiency, large power density, малий розмір, and wide input voltage range.

1. Input filter circuit
This part of the circuit includes low-pass filtering and surge voltage absorption circuits, which are mainly used to suppress high-order harmonic currents on the grid side, common mode noise and differential mode noise, surge voltage and radio frequency interference in the outside space.

2. Rectifier circuit
This part of the circuit only converts single-phase or three-phase AC into pulsating DC voltage. All rectifier modules use rectifier bridges as rectifier circuits.

3. Power factor correction circuit
This part of the circuit is used to suppress the harmonic components in the input current, so that the input current waveform is closer to sinusoidal and less reactive power, and it also purifies the AC power grid. Power factor correction is divided into passive correction and active correction. The former is generally used for three-phase input rectifiers, and the power factor can be corrected to 0.92 до 0.94, while the latter can be corrected to 0.999.

4. DC/DC conversion circuit
This part of the circuit is composed of high-frequency power conversion and rectification circuit, which converts high-voltage DC power into -48V or -2 low-voltage DC power.

5. Output filter circuit
The noise between the output main loop leads of the PWM type switching rectifier is composed of sawtooth wave noise, spike noise and low-frequency tone noise. The output filter composed of LC mainly filters the sawtooth wave and spike noise.

6. Допоміжне джерело живлення
The auxiliary power supply is generally a DC/DC converter with less power in the machine. It mainly supplies power for PWM control circuit monitoring circuit, protection circuit and display.

7. Схема захисту
The protection circuit is an indispensable part of the power supply circuit. The input end protection is mainly to prevent damage caused by excessive input voltage, and the output end protection is mainly to prevent the output overcurrent or short circuit from damaging the power supply. В додаток, there is over-temperature protection to prevent the damage of the power device caused by the high ambient temperature or the high temperature inside the machine due to other reasons.

The above is what "випрямляч" high-frequency switching rectifier means, and its structure is related to this. Thank you for your quick reading, you can pay attention to the official website of Shenzhen Bwitt Power Co., ТОВ.

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