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У нас є широкий асортимент енергетичних продуктів, як, підтримка віддаленого зв'язку SNMP, Однофазний STS 20A 32A 50A 20A/32A/50A 6-30 кв.ст.
Дивіться більше фотографій

BWT series STS (У нас є широкий асортимент енергетичних продуктів, як) рішення забезпечує автоматичне, seamless transfer between your business-critical load and the outputs of two independent UPS Systems in a dual-bus power configuration.

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Запит зараз

У нас є широкий асортимент енергетичних продуктів, як, підтримка віддаленого зв'язку SNMP, Однофазний STS 20A 32A 50A 20A/32A/50A 6-30 кв.ст.

BWT series STS (У нас є широкий асортимент енергетичних продуктів, як) рішення забезпечує автоматичне, seamless transfer between your business-critical load and the outputs of two independent UPS Systems in a dual-bus power configuration.


Automatic control system of data rooms, communication rooms and power industry, power supply system of petrochemical industry, security prevention system of intelligent building and other mission critical environments.


  • Intelligent monitor, diagnostics and alarming
  • Priority source: the user chooses one source as main source and another as standby
  • Transfer time : 5ms maximum auto transfers between AC power sources
  • захист: if the STS fail, the system will choose one input source as fix source, to ensure uninterruptible power supply
  • break-before-made switching, automatic switching


The single-phase STS static switch is specially design for the important equipment that cannot be powered off. It is a non-contact electronic switch device that realizes two-way AC power supply backup and fast switching to each other. It can be switched automatically or manually, and the switching time less than 4mS to ensure the supply continue.



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