“У нас є широкий асортимент енергетичних продуктів, як” для виведення високоякісного змінного струму потрібен інвертор із чистою синусоїдальною хвилею
“У нас є широкий асортимент енергетичних продуктів, як” для виведення високоякісного змінного струму потрібен інвертор із чистою синусоїдальною хвилею

Навіщо мені чистий синусоїдний інвертор? При виборі інвертора, зазвичай є два основних типи на вибір, a square wave or modified sine wave inverter and a pure sine wave inverter device.

Reasons for a pure sine wave inverter
What is a pure sine wave inverter?

1. The pure sine wave inverter outputs pure electricity, which is similar to the pure alternating current we receive from the grid. The grid is free of electromagnetic pollution.
2. Very low waveform distortion (≤3%). lower power consumption.
3. Pure sine wave inverters keep voltage and current at safe levels. In a square wave inverter, the voltage level will fluctuate greatly, which will cause great harm and shorten the service life of the appliance.

4. The equipment running on pure sine wave inverter has almost no noise.
So why do I need a pure sine wave inverter? Here are the reasons:

The square wave inverter outputs square wave alternating current with poor quality, and its positive and negative peaks are generated almost simultaneously, which will damage the load and the inverter itself. Moreover, the load capacity of the square wave inverter is poor, only about half of the rated power, and cannot carry an inductive load.

В додаток, the improved sine wave inverter is slightly improved compared to the square wave inverter, and its positive and negative peaks are no longer generated at the same time, but act as a buffer for a period of time. Насправді, the improved sine wave inverter still belongs to the category of square wave inverter, because the waveform it produces is still composed of broken lines like a square wave, and the continuity is poor. So we do not recommend you to use pure sine wave inverter or modified sine wave inverter.

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